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What is a NFT?

A NFT (non-fungible token) represents a set of rules encoded in a smart contract. Each token belongs to a blockchain address. It’s essentially a digital asset that is stored securely on the blockchain. Tokens are most often known to be cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ether tokens.

Atria Technology

Atria NFTs is based upon polygon blockchain, created to empower and to be utilized within Atria’s international, accessible  and borderless property investing project. 

We utilize the ultimate generation blockchain technology dedicated to make investments accessible, transactions faster, operation costs lower, ownership transparent and legal.

Is it safe? Don't people get played on crypto?

We know that investors appreciate security, especially property investors. When investing with Atria you are not betting on crypto exchange, you are using  secure and value reliable stablecoins (USDT) attached to your Real Estate to growth your passive income and nomad capacity.

How Atria real estate NFT works?

Our real estate NFTs work just like any other NFT. They’re purchased using a cryptocurrency, in our platform case stablecoins (USDT), held in a digital wallet.

We mint our NFTs with the latest technology to represent real assets into the blockchain.

At Atria we use the FO  tokenization method. Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as NFTs.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

As with all NFTs (and its shares), you have a accessible, transparent and secure method to perform transactions, and the right to severability, meaning you can sell those tokens anytime you like – this will happen at our platform when we launch our secondary market.

Your investment secured

Click aside and discover in details the technologies we use to secure your participation, investment and ownership.

When signing up you have all the roles and advantages below.

As an


As a


As a

Property Provider

As a


Sell your Property

Once signed and your ID verified you can sell your property at our platform.

User Sign in

Sign in into our platform, set up your profile (kyc) and account. Just like that, you can easily start investing and using our marketplaces.

List your Property

Once signed and your ID verified you can list and manage your property with our platform.

Adquire Stablecoins

With your account active you can adquire and/or credit your wallet with stablecoins (USDT) in 3 ways:

1. Your Paypal Account

2. Transfer from another wallet

3. From your rental listings and property sale entry



Sale & Rental Earnings Conversion

Stablecoins (USDT)

Sell us your property or list your external property at our platform and earn tokens.


List your external property at Atria, Booking, AirBnb, Vrbo, Outside and others via our platform and get a discount to transform your EUR, USD and GBP into $ATRIA.

Investors Properties Marketplace


Investors can utilize USDT (Stablecoins) at our platform to purchase international properties, from 5% to 100% of its totality thru our fractions system. The ownership of the property is registered with smart contracts at the blockchain.


Investors can at any time sell your shares/fractions from a determined propierty at Atria’s marketplace, those tokens can be used for new investments or it can be withdraw in currency (EUR, USD, GBP). Or, if the investor owns 100% of the property, it can be registered* under his name via the traditional method.

*Fares applied.





Rental Earnings & Marketplace

Atria Discount Booking

Atria Token holders and Owners will have progressive discount over stays at their portfolio, limited to 14 days a year.

Atria Rental Booking & Listings

USDT can be used at our rental platform to book and utilize stays at the network properties.

The properties will be also listed at regular well-know plaforms, such as: booking.com, AirBnb, Vrbo, Outside and others. The earnings from these oulets will be accounted in EUR, USD or GBP. You can also chose to automatically converted them into USDT.

Atria Rental Coin Re-Charge

Your rental earning will be performed in currency if performed at external platforms, and in USDT if performed at our booking marketplace. At the later your earnings will be added into your safe/wallet as USDT.

Supplier Sign in

Sign in into our platform, set up your profile and account. Just like that, them you’ll fillup and submit your services for approval. Once approved you’ll start to be listed at Atria’s marketplace.

Services Marketplace & Events

Nomad Community

Being part of Atria is being part of a exciting and growing community. At Atria you’ll have online and ofline opportunities. Share stays, engage with world-travellers and improve your skills. Receive invitation for theme camps all over the world.

Atria Rental Management

Once your own a fraction of a property you will decide and vote for professional host selections, maintenance actions,  and other actions and costs related to your property performance. Owners can also select Atria as rental managing partner, at a 10% fee. Owners that hold +51% will have deciding rights, the others (with 10%+ shares) will have a veto power.

Atria Academy

At Atria external companies, specialized in skill development, training, and others will be listed to enrich your stay at one of our locations.

Property digitalization and launching by Atria

Atria buys


Atria, via its registered company, buys the property (building or land).

Traditional Transaction


A public deed of exchange is prepared, through which Atria will receive ownership of the property that will become digital property.

Fees and


Atria and seller pay relative due fee and taxes.

Traditional Transaction


Both parts sign the traditional deed.

Investor buy
the property


Atria user buys the fraction(s) and become the official onwer of the property. The smart contract is generated attesting Atria’s traditional ownership and buyer ‘de facto’ official rights over the asset.

Fractioning and Sale


Atria fraction the NFT and make the property available at the marketplace.

The property will be listed for whole (100%) purchase for 36 hours, being listed as fractions later if still available.



Atria becomes the digital owner of the property on minting an NFT at the platform.

Traditional Registration


Atria becomes the owner of the property.

Property digitalization and launching by user (property provider)

User propose
property to Atria


User fill form and upload property details into the platform. Along with the quantity of shares he/she intends to sell (from 0% to 100%).

Evaluation & Transaction

Evaluation & Deed

Atria evaluate if the property fits its parameters. If so, a public deed of exchange is prepared, through which Atria will receive ownership of the property that will become digital property.



The property is listed as ‘pre-sale’ at the marketplace. If 50% of the intended shares for sale is sold/reserved by buyers the transaction intention is approved.

Fees and


Atria and seller pay relative due fee and taxes.

Transactions Completion


The fractions sale and notarization is completed, secured by smart contract. Perfoming the fraction(s) and rights to Atria, Buyers and Seller.



Atria becomes the digital owner of the property on minting an NFT at the platform.

Traditional Registration


Atria becomes the owner of the property.

Traditional Transaction


Both parts sign the traditional deed.

Digital property ownership transaction



Atria and/or investor(s) is/are the digital owner of the property – via rights over minted NFT at the platform and represented at the wallet.



User opens an offering order at Atria’s marketplace

Transaction Performance


When bought the fraction will be exchanged at the parts wallets. A smart contract will be generated to rule the operation and future ownership.

Transaction Completion


The property becomes part of the buyer’s digital properties wallet.

Extinction of digital property



Atria and/or investor(s) is/are the digital owner of the property – via rights over minted NFT at the platform and represented at the wallet.


Status Change

The user(s) with rights over the totality of the property request the asset change of status – from digital/NFT to traditional.

Transaction Performance


The traditional deed is draft, signed, and the fees/taxes paid entirelly by requester(s).

Transaction Completion


The property exit Atria’s platform via traditional registration (deed).

Our points program.

We are a big community of investors and dreammers. We want to give Atria to Atrians, at our points program at every investment you do you earn point that in the future can be exchanged by our unique Atria Token.

USDT Invested




Atria Token


to Atrians

Our ICO.

Our Token.

Do you believe in a new future? And if you believe that Atria is part of that you can become a bigger investor acquiring our token. Atria Token holders will earn and have access to; 2% over all transactions within the platform, governance rights, premium and advanced access of 7 days to offerings,  take advantage of free stays and preferred networking. Sign up for our ICO below.

You reached the current live mockup limit, if you are interested in further informations or feature details please contact us.

What does it mean?


A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

Do you have other questions?

Which blockchain do Atria use?


Polygon MATIC is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Do you have other questions?

What does it mean?

FO tokenization

Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as NFTs.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

Do you have other questions?

What does it mean? And which one Atria Uses?


Crypto volatility exists for every token you can think of, from Bitcoin to Shiba Inu. Just as they can experience euphoric rises, cryptocurrencies can also see their price plunge overnight.

To combat these price swings, stablecoins have emerged as a reliable way for investors to remain in the crypto ecosystem at much lower risk. Pegged to a real-world asset—usually a fiat currency— stablecoins offer resistance against the fluctuations to which other coins are susceptible.

Tied to the US Dollar, Tether (USDT) have emerged as the leading stablecoin, consistently leading the market and appearing in nearly every major cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, and application.

Do you have other questions?

What does it mean?

Smart Contract

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based at XXXX technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian. 

Do you have other questions?

What is it?

ICO & Master Token

ICOs are a form of cryptocurrency that crypto businesses use in order to raise capital. Through ICO trading platforms, investors receive unique cryptocurrency “tokens” in exchange for their monetary investment in the business.

These tokens (in Atria case called “Master Tokens”) beyond being a currency that can be sold for profit also grant the holder rights over the platform and its operation. 

Do you have other questions?

Signing in you register to receive our white paper, accept our NDA agreement and stay tuned at all news regarding our project.

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